Three Years Ago...

Finn was born!  I can't believe our baby is now three!  Finn is so much fun.  I really wish I could freeze him right here at this age.  He is just so cute.  The things he says.  The things he does.  His exuberance.  His anger.  One of the ways we celebrate everyone's birthday in our family is with a dinner at the local Mexican Restaurant-Casa Blanca.  The kids absolutely love it there and even have their favorite waiter, Juan! 

When it is your birthday at Casa Blanca, you get to wear the birthday hat-a sombrero! Finn was a little unsure of the birthday hat this year, but he did end up wearing it while the wait-staff sang and danced around our table.

We also had a family celebration at home.  More yummy cake and ice cream! Hmm, this boy has no problem with chocolate cake!!

Kalvin, not so much chocolate cake...yet.  He is still covering his mouth.

Finn loved his presents this year. He couldn't wait to open them up and see what was inside. He also loves birthday cards! He reads them all and is very curious who they are from. So cute!

Happy Birthday Littles...we love you!!

Finn is a little "miracle" himself.  Most medical doctors said it was impossible for me to have another child, but four years later he was conceived.  I worked with many people to bring Finn into this world naturally, but the one who originally made me believe it was possible was Julia Indichova.  Julia's work is amazing.  Julia is amazing.  I worked with Julia diligently for three years.  Walking the journey towards my baby those three years with Julia and other Fertile Heart Mommas,  made me a better person and a better mother.  The tools I learned from Julia can be applied to many more life challenges.   Julia's work is itself a miracle.
Please read what Julia has written on the recent events in Boston.  She is truly a woman of peace.
Fertile Heart Boston

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