Braces... at Seven years Old?

Before braces.

Kalvin was scheduled to get braces on his teeth back in January.  You may remember this post:  A Silver Lining.  We delayed the braces a few times for various reasons, but we finally went through with it.  The braces are not to straighten his teeth,  but to move the lower teeth and jaw back. 

Originally, the orthodontist talked about putting a palate expander in his mouth, but due to Kalvin's overactive gag reflex,  they decided the braces would be a better option at this time.  Kalvin has a severe under bite that is causing his top and bottom teeth to rub together which is causing damage and actually moving his upper teeth and jaw.  We could not post pone the application any longer-the teeth and gums are progressively getting worse..

Kalvin was such a brave boy!  He did not complain at all.  He was very excited to get the colors yellow and black on his the Boston Bruins.  Kalvin is going to his first Bruin's game this weekend where he is excited to show his support with his new smile!

They applied the bottom braces today.  The wire will be applied in a few weeks.

The top braces will be applied once the bottom teeth have moved back a bit a bit. 
After braces.

What a year 2013 has turned out to be for Kalvin!

Update: Kalvin had his top braces applied in January 2014!  Read all about it here.

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